
Go see the demo.


In the main sass stylesheet import the sass-maps color variables colrvars.scss

@import 'colrvars';

.test {
  background-color: color(blue-11);
.test p {
  color: color(gold-06);

Alternatively, convert the sass-map syntax to the dollar-sign syntax like:

@import 'colrvars';

$blue-11: color(blue-11);
$gold-06: color(gold-06);

.test {
  // background-color: color(blue-11);
  background-color: $blue-11;

.test p {
  // color: color(gold-06);
  color: $gold-06;


To to make them your own, and adapt these colorvalues one will have to edit data.json. Get into Nunjucks templating (src/schemes) with this if it’s additional colors, and/or renaming of colors as well. Download or clone this repository, NPM install all the dependencies, edit the colorvalues in data.json, and run grunt from the commandline.

For renaming colors in Sass, consider using the color-naming convention as described in this blogpost: “More Gooder SASS Color Variables” with the help of this sass color “Variablizer” webapp.